On 30 May 2016, TVBS Taiwan broadcasted an interview with Pou Sheng International (Holdings) Limited during a special episode of one of its programmes named China On The Go (“中國進行式”) on TVBS China News. The episode was focusing on the sports industry in mainland China.
In mid-April, accompanied by the Chief of Information Services Department of Taiwan Affairs Office in Liaoning Province, TVBS reporter visited Shenyang Wuli River Park, Fitness Square, YYsports multi-brand stores and YYsports Sports City, which are fitness enthusiasts’ hotspots where they can exercise and shop. The reporter experienced the Shenyang people’s passion for “Every Bodybuilding Everybody Healthy” (“全民健身,共享健康”). The interview with Mr. Chen, Kuo Lung (陳國龍), the Executive Vice President, was held in a YYsports store, where he analyzed the market trend of the sports goods in mainland China, introduced the development of Pou Sheng International (Holdings) Limited in terms of brand licensee business, its business growth, as well as the future marketing plans of the company. Regional General Manager of Shenyang and the store manager also gave an introduction of the store operation and management, and answered the reporter’s questions. The staff of the store demonstrated customer services and counter services.
The reporter was deeply impressed by both the largest wall for footwear presentation in the country with 336 pairs of sports shoes on display, and the milling crowd inside the YY Sports City. The future of the sports industry is encouraging from their perspective.